About Adlington Town Council 

Adlington has increased in size in recent years with the building of several hundred new houses and the population now stands at around 5,500. 

Adlington Town Council has a town Mayor rather than a chair, but its powers are the same as those of a parish council.
Adlington Town Council normally meets every month at Adlington Library (and you are welcome to observe us) and deals with local issues and services, including inspecting and commenting on planning applications and formal consultations from the borough and county councils and other public bodies.

The Town Council maintains the notice boards and defibrillators and is responsible for the provision of the hanging baskets in summer.
We support local community groups financially via the annual community awards, organise local events such as the annual Remembrance Day service and carol concert and report any local problems to the relevant authority.
The Town Mayor also organises events to raise funds for the Mayor’s charity.

The council has themed working groups to consider specific areas of interest such as street scene and finance. Councillors represent the village at liaison meetings with both borough and county councils.

Recently the council has improved its online presence alongside its ongoing work to achieve the best outcomes for Adlington’s residents, businesses and environment. Adlington Town Council Newsletters are issued three times a year to all households in Adlington to keep residents updated on achievements and events.

There are 12 places on the Town Council, and anyone over the age of 18 who lives, or works in the local area can become a Town Councillor. Any vacancies are advertised on the website and notice boards.

Your current team is:

The Mayor for 2024 – 25 is Cllr Kim Snape
The Deputy Mayor Elect is Cllr Stuart Clewlow

  • Kevin O’Donnell
  • Peter Walkden
  • Alan Robinson
  • Jeanette Lowe
  • June Molyneaux
  • Beverley Speers
  • Kim Snape
  • Stuart Clewlow
  • Amanda Cross
  • Alison Rothwell
  • Lynne Rennison
  • Denise Jones

Clerk to the Council Christine Bailey
07896 72964 [email protected]