
The Mayor for 2024 – 25 is Cllr Kim Snape and the Deputy Mayor Elect is Cllr Stuart Clewlow

Click on a Town Councillor’s name to see their register of interests.

Kevin O’Donnell
01257 482107

Peter Walkden
07777 606726

Alan Robinson
01257 752112

Jeanette Lowe
01257 481415

June Molyneaux
01257 481184

Beverley Speers
01257 481321

Kim Snape
07868 327395

Stuart Clewlow
07866 925602

Amanda Cross
07812 413854

Alison Rothwell
07549 532689

Lynne Rennison
01257 485080

07789 473186


Clerk to the Council Christine Bailey 07896 729646 [email protected]

Working group members


Kim Snape as Town Mayor
Stuart Clewlow (nominated as Deputy Mayor Elect)
Jeanette Lowe
June Molyneaux
Alan Robinson
Peter Walkden


To be agreed as when required

Street Scene

Beverley Speers
Alan Robinson
Jeanette Lowe
Peter Walkden
Amanda Cross

Website and Communications

Beverley Speers
Peter Walkden
Alan Robinson
Alison Rothwell
Stuart Clewlow

Representatives on outside bodies:

Adlington & District in Bloom Action Group
Jeanette Lowe
Alan Robinson
Kevin O’Donnell
Lynne Rennison

Adlington & District Community Association
Kevin O’Donnell
Alan Robinson

Chorley Council Liaison
Kim Snape as Town Mayor
Stuart Clewlow as Deputy Mayor

Chorley Council Neighbourhood Area Group
Kim Snape as Town Mayor
Stuart Clewlow as Deputy Mayor

North West Flood Action (online group)
Kevin O’Donnell

Chorley Borough Councillors

Kim Snape
07868 327395

June Molyneaux
01257 481184

Peter Wilson
01257 474678

Lancashire County Councillor

Kim Snape
07868 327395

Member Of Parliament

Lindsay Hoyle
01257 271555