Annual Financial Report information 2016
Please click the links below for more information
- A list showing items of expenditure greater than £100
- The end of year accounts, annual governance statement, internal audit report, external audit report
- The expenditure and income and bank reconciliation for 2015-16
- A list of variances between the current year and previous year
- A list of the current Councillors and their responsibilities
- Minutes of past meetings (or agendas for meetings where the minutes have not yet been approved)
The Town Council does not have any public land or building assets
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The Town Council received £1551.92 from Chorley Council in April 2016 as CIL funding. This has been used towards the provision of automated external defibrillators in the village. The total cost to the Council for the purchase and installation of these was £2065 + VAT as one of the defibrillators was donated by the North West Ambulance Service. An additional donation of £250 was received from Anderton Parish Council.
Copies of all other financial records can be inspected on request by contacting the Clerk