Annual Financial Report information 2021
Please click the links below for more information
- The AGAR Exemption Certificate, annual governance statement, end of year accounts and internal audit report
- The expenditure and income and balance sheet for 2020-21
- A list of variances between the current year and previous year
- A list of the current Councillors and their responsibilities
- Minutes of past meetings (or agendas for meetings where the minutes have not yet been approved)
- Notice of the Conclusion of Audit
- Corrected Section 2 Accounting Statement
- The Section 3 – External Auditor’s Report and Certificate
The Town Council does not have any public land or building assets
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The full CIL report for 2020-21 is available here
Copies of all other financial records can be inspected on request by contacting the Clerk