Financial Report 2021-2022 financial year
The Town Council’s gross expenditure exceeded £25,000 during the 21/22 financial year. As a result, the Town Council is required to complete the Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) 2021/22 Form 3. The AGAR Form 3 comprises the completed Independent Internal Audit Report (page 3), the Annual Governance Statement (page 4), the Annual Accounting Statement (page 5) all of which now have to be reviewed by the UK Government appointed External Auditor, PKF Littlejohn LLP.
PKF Littlejohn LLP has to complete the External Auditor’s Report & Certificate 2021/22 (page 6). This will be returned to the Town Council for consideration and publication by 1 October 2022.
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit
- Certified AGAR Sections 1 and 2
- Section 3 – External Auditor’s Report and Certificate
The Income and Expenditure summary for 2021/22 and the bank reconciliation at 31 March 2022.
A list of variances between the income and expenditure in the current and in the previous year.
The full CIL Report for 2021/22 is here.
Copies of these and all other financial records can be inspected by request by contacting the Clerk